This years AGM will again be held at the Seven Oaks Inn (see previous news post for map). We have the function room booked and a buffet will be provided.
We will be there from about 7pm so you can sort out your membership renewal, or you will be able to do this in the interval.
Just by way of a change we have an alternate incentive to get you to come along and share your views. We will be holding a raffle, with some great prizes, an Aeron Boom, two North XTR’s, harness lines and a key lock box.
There will be some significant changes to how the club operates this coming year, with a view to getting lots of new entrants to the sport, the newsletter has some detail but if you want to know more, come along to the meeting.
There will also be a major upgrade to the club website shortly, we’d like to know what you think of those as well.

Five great prizes!!
As always, we will be electing new committee officers and ordinary committee members. We really do need people to help run the club so if you think you could help, you could always come early to the meeting and have a chat about what you think you could do to help. Any and all help, however limited will be very much appreciated.
Hope to see lots of you there…..