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Taster Day & Club Action Day

A huge thank you to Russ and Andy for the Taster Day on the 12th May. It was only opened to friends of members of the club, but it was a great turnout.

We also had a good turnout to help get the club grounds into shape for the coming season – thanks to all who came down.

In between digging in the mud, hotwiring mowers and starting anything else with a Petrol engine, we snapped a few photo’s of the day…

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Maintenance Day this Sunday

We have some work to do by way or preparation for a new container which will be used as rescue boat storage. We also will be doing the prep work for laying some concrete as a new boat launch ramp into the water. Refurbishment of the changing rooms are also… Read More »Maintenance Day this Sunday

Weymouth Trip

When you speak to non-windsurfer, they think you are crazy going on a Windsurfing trip to Weymouth at this time of year. And as it started to hail, I might have been inclined to agree with them. 10 minutes later the sun was out and we were on the water.… Read More »Weymouth Trip

Weymouth Trip Update

There are 14 club members off to Weymouth next weekend and the forecast is looking good. We have GPS gear on hire from the organisers of Weymouth Speed Week so we are planning some racing! We’ll work out a way of getting all abilities involved and competing against people of… Read More »Weymouth Trip Update

Weekly Club Nights

This year we will once again be holding weekly CLUB NIGHTS throughout the summer. They will be held every Thursday commencing 17th May through until 6th September. That’s 17 nights, with a different committee member hosting each night. Please see the events page for who is hosting and what they… Read More »Weekly Club Nights

Vass Trip

I’m looking at trying to organise a club trip to Vassiliki in Greece from the 20-27 May. The venue offers great conditions with light winds in the morning building up in the afternoon for some great blasting conditions. I’m looking at going with Ocean Elements which includes all the kit… Read More »Vass Trip