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Trip to Weymouth in April

In April we will be repeating our 2012 trip to Weymouth from Wednesday the 10th to Sunday the 14th of April, that’s 5 nights away. There is the option to come for fewer nights or even just for the weekend. As many of you will know Weymouth offers very safe sailing on flat water in Portland Harbour. Open to clean winds from the South and West and reaches of half a mile or so make it an ideal location for Weymouth Speed Week and it will suit our purposes very well. We will be organising GPS units.

View from the launch area in front of the OTC

View from the launch area in front of the OTC

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2013 AGM

The AGM will be held on Thursday 7th February at 8pm at the Seven Oaks Inn, Lows Lane, Stanton DE7 4QU. A buffet will be provided. We will be there from around 7pm so you can renew your membership before the meeting or during the interval. We will also be… Read More »2013 AGM

Lake flood

More photos in the pixs section

Sport England Grant

We are very pleased to announce that we have been awarded a Sport England Grant to help fund our plans for the expansion of the club and to get more people enjoying the great sport of windsurfing. The grant of £10k coupled with a club contribution of £6.5k will be used to expand the club facilities and allow the club to offer basic training for new entrants to the sport with a view to increasing the club membership numbers.

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Club Lease

We are very pleased to announce that, finally, we have a new lease for both the West and East lakes, for 10 years. This gives us unfettered access to the West lake (boggy ground not withstanding) for excellent sailing in Southerly and Southwestery winds. We also now have permission to… Read More »Club Lease

Day Membership

We are now able to offer day membership to allow guests to use club equipment. The change of insurers to the RYA has opened the possibilites for us to attract new members by allowing them to try out the sport easily and inexpensively. Previously we could not allow guests to use any of the club equipment as they would not have been insured, but now, any equipment the club owns, including the tandem, can be used by guests, but in order for them to be covered they will have to be become Day Members and this is at the invitation of a  full club member. For open days, taster sessions  and day training the invitation will be by the club and the committee will undertake to sign members of the public in.

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Taster Sessions

We will be running taster sessions on the 28th and 29th of this month, both morning and afternoon sessions, each lasting for about 3 hours. 10am till 1pm and 2pm till 5pm. We can accommodate 6 people for each session. If you would like to be included please get in… Read More »Taster Sessions

Ramp digging. Just about the worst day of they year to do it!

Even though the water level in the lake was very high we have managed to bale out the hole and the digger was making good progress.

After our attempts to dig the ramp by hand we decided to hire a digger.

We booked him on Thursday and then of course we had the heavens open on Friday. When we arrived at 7:15 Saturday morning the ramp area was full of water and the lake  was over the bank, about 60cm higher than normal. We managed to fill the channel with soil and sods and started to bail the water.

Making good progress until…….

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TWC Jim Collis Weekend

Saturday 29th/30th June Another well attended event for TWC. Great BBQ on Saturday night, with a guest appearance from Papa Smurf, Robin Hood and Mr Bean.