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Club Trip To Weymouth

The club will be organising a trip to Weymouth from Thursday the 19th to Monday the 23rd of April, thats 5 nights away. As many of you will know Weymouth offers very safe sailing on flat water in Portland Harbour. Open to clean winds from the South and West and reaches of half a mile or so make it an ideal location for Weymouth Speed Week and it will suit our purposes very well.

Portland Harbour as seen from Google Streetview

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AGM Agenda

    1. Minutes of Previous AGM

    2. Reports and Proposals from the existing Committee

    1. Chairman :- The Club Development Plan
    2. Membership Sec
    3. Treasurer
    4. Social Sec
    5. Maintenance
    6. Minutes Sec
    7. Website
    8. Hire Gear
    9. Publicity

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AGM Newsletter

This years AGM will be held at the same venue as last year. We have the function room booked and a buffet will be provided. Please arrive in good time to get yourself a drink, we have had an eventful year and we have a lot to talk about. Bribery!!……… Read More »AGM Newsletter

2012 AGM.

The AGM will be held on Thursday 2nd February at 8pm at the Seven Oaks Inn, Lows Lane, Stanton DE7 4QU. View Larger Map Click on ‘view larger map’ then click on the green arrow for directions and street view

A request for help

The committee have been discussing for quite a while now, how we go about making the club bigger and better. Over the last few years we have seen a number of new initiatives that have helped recruit new members to the club, culminating this year with the biggest influx for many years, 13 new members. There are a number of  important factors that have changed the recruitment fortunes this year and to further build on this success we would like to let our members know what we would like to put in place commencing with the 2012 season. 

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The Tiree Trip – an occasional windsurfers perspective

Getting there….

Cliff on the trusty old F2 Strato

I am driving a mini-bus heading south down the M6 on my way back from Tiree. We are currently just north of Carlisle, travelling at around 60 mph. This is not for any reasons of economy but it’s as fast as we can go due to the limiter, the only down side in my opinion, on what has been a very enjoyable week. However, the leisurely pace gives me plenty of time to reflect on the trip.

When the idea of going to Tiree was first suggested, to be honest I was a bit undecided whether to bother going. However, I had heard good reports about Tiree and it was on my list of places to see. So, once I got the green light from the family down my name went.Read More »The Tiree Trip – an occasional windsurfers perspective

Music for Maggies

Not strictly Windsurfing related, but it’s for a good cause and 2 of the committee will be playing there (and I will be thinking about windsurfing.. a bit) – So please show your support by turning up on the night, or contributing via this widget… In on Saturday 22nd at… Read More »Music for Maggies