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Reduced Membership Cost

From September every year we offer a late season joining discount. Our membership year runs from March to March, and if you join now you will get a reduction of 50% of the membership fee element of the cost. So the cost for a single member drops from £110 to… Read More »Reduced Membership Cost

Jim Collis Training & Campover

Another year, another Jim Collis Training Weekend and campover. Fantastic Weather (apart form the lack of Wind) See the photos… in the Gallery

Taster Weekend Success

Well, another really good turnout for our Taster Sessions – we ran 3 sessions and all three were full. The weather was fantastic, and even the wind behaved itself and gave us enough for people to get going. Hywel provided the food at lunchtime with a brilliant BBQ – Thanks… Read More »Taster Weekend Success

Hire Gets Some New Sails

Well new to us anyway. We have bought, secondhand, four very durable, indeed most people would describe them as bullet proof, Ezzy Wave Panther sails from 4.0m² up to 5.5m². This will allow us to get back to offering two sails per set, thus enabling new hirers greater scope for… Read More »Hire Gets Some New Sails

New Club Rigs

The club have bought two new rigs for the more adventurous beginners to use. They are 5.5m², so a little biger than the other club kit, and they are very definitely more performance oriented. So for those of you who have been using the soft beginner sails and have managed… Read More »New Club Rigs

Maintenance Day Success

The recent maintenance day went extremely well, with around 15 volunteers arriving from 8am with the last ones leaving site about 5pm! About 35 tonnes of stone was moved over the day and the volunteers successfully managed to achieve every one of the objectives and more! The slipway is now… Read More »Maintenance Day Success

Club Trip to Vasiliki, June 2014

Vassiliki Beach viewed from the Town end

Vassiliki Beach viewed from the Town end

Club members will have already received an email about this however if you are thinking of joining the club, you’d be welcome to come along also.

We are planning on going either the 15th or 22nd of June, though 15th June is looking favourite at the moment. Going a little later than last year we hope to get some of the better wind, though prices will be higher. We will be going with either OceanElements or Neilson, as Club Vass looks to be booked up. both centres offer daily tuition and a good range of kit. Both these centres have dinghies as well as mountain bikes, sups, canoes etc. Both packages are B&B unlike Club Vass. We expect the price to be in the £600-650 mark though it could be a little less or indeed a little more depending on the group size

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AGM Agenda 2014

1. Minutes of Previous AGM 2. Reports and Proposals from the existing Committee Chairman Membership Sec Treasurer Club Secretary Social Sec Maintenance Website Hire Gear Training 3. Break For Buffet and Renewals 4. Election of Committee. Chairman Membership Sec Treasurer Club Secretary Social Sec Maintenance Website Hire Gear Publicity Health… Read More »AGM Agenda 2014